(This information was take directly from The Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues website)

The Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues and the Edmonton Minor Hockey Association jointly created a new system to facilitate the sales of Community League memberships during hockey registration. The following motion was voted on and accepted at EFCL's April 19, 2010 Annual General Meeting by a majority of Community League Voting Members:

“That the Edmonton Minor Hockey Association be granted the right to sell $25 “corporate rate” family Community League Memberships to all of its minor hockey players, during hockey registrations.”


If you know that you have to register for hockey, do not buy your community league membership from your league. Be prepared to pay the mandatory hockey registration $25 corporate community fee for your membership online and at in-person hockey registration.  Community League Membership Cards will not be accepted as proof of payment. So leave your community league card at home.

After registration, if you need your membership card for other sports or programs or recreation discounts and haven’t received it from a league, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 780-437-2913.

For more information, please check the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues website at www.efcl.org

A note from your Gold Bar membership director: This is a new process and I’m sure there will be some confusion. If you require a membership card before I receive the list from EFCL, please call me and I will make sure you receive a card. Also, be sure to let the door to door canvassers know that you have already paid for a card through hockey. If you have not received your card please ask your canvasser. All canvassers will be informed of the changes for hockey memberships. Any questions please feel free to contact me at 780.465-7294.
